ZoneAlarm is displaying pop-ups with just a process id, or an unknown


Note - Be sure you are using only the latest version as these issues have been resolved for most users. 

Sometimes when a user logs in, and the login account does not have Power User or Administrative rights, ZA popup alerts may not have the rights to get program information. This can show up as a Process ID only, or as an Unknown Process. 

We find this problem occurs most frequently in XP when logging off as an Administrator, then logging back on as a user: 

  1. Without launching ZoneAlarm at startup, or 
  2. When ZoneAlarm is stopped as an Administrator, and then restarted as a user. 

When a user does not have Administrative rights and logs in one of these ways, ZoneAlarm's TrueVector service may not load properly. TrueVector monitors and controls Internet access on your computer. By 
default, TrueVector (vsmon.exe) is configured to run as a service when your system boots up. 

The TrueVector service continues to run when you close any client, until you shut down your computer or the service in the services manager. This ensures that security rules are enforced when your computer is running, even if no one is logged on. However, if a user does not have rights to modify a service, TrueVector will not load properly when logging in under that user. 

This problem can be remedied by restarting your computer when going from Administrator to user, or in some cases giving the user account Power User rights will resolve this issue. ZoneAlarm's TrueVector service will then launch normally. 

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