How do I input my License Key?


Open the email that contains your invoice or login to your online My Zone account which you setup when you purchased from ZoneAlarm and locate your order from the order history section.

1. Left click and hold on the right side of the last character in your license,
then drag your mouse all the way to the left side of the first character in
the license and release the button.

Note: Entire license key should be highlighted.

2. Press Ctrl+C on your keyboard. That will Copy the highlighted text into the clipboard for later use.

3. Open your ZoneAlarm Client by double-clicking the 'Z' icon in the lower right hand corner of your screen. In Windows 7 the icon may not be visible and you will need to click the small arrow pointing up to view the icon.

4. When ZoneAlarm is open Click the 'Tools' drop-down menu and select the option 'Enter License'

5. Click once in the 'Enter License Key' box so that a flashing cursor appear at the end of any data the might be in the box.

6. If there is characters in the box press the backspace key on your keyboard until there box is clear.

7. Press Ctrl+V on your keyboard. This will paste your key into the box.

8. Click OK. You should then get a message stating that your
license key has been successfully installed.

If you received a message your license was invalid that is because you may be imputing a license that is made for a different product than the one you have installed or you didn't copy the entire license or you manually typed the license in the box and that will not work.

Note: If you are unsure on how to copy and paste information in Windows, try the following. Click on the START button >> Help >> 'copy paste' (no quotes) >> search. Look for window short cut keys, and follow the instructions.

The ZA license key is a set of 5 groups of letters and numbers. The first 3 groups contain 5 characters each, the last 2 groups contain 6 characters each and all Licenses end with the number 0 (zero).

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