Customizing Zone Security Settings


You can further customize High and Medium security settings for the Trusted and Public security zones to allow or to block specific types of traffic based on protocol types and port numbers.

  1. Click in the ANTIVIRUS & FIREWALL panel of the ZoneAlarm software client.
  2. Click Settings in the Advanced Firewall section.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
    The Firewall Settings window opens.
  4. From the navigation tree, select Trusted Zone or Public Zone.
    Trusted Zone Security Settings or Public Zone Security Settings tab shows.
  5. Select or clear High Security Settings and Medium Security Settings rules:

    High Security Settings Medium Security Settings
    Allow outgoing DNS (UDP port 53) Block incoming NetBIOS (port 135, 137-9, 445) (selected by default for Public Zone)
    Allow outgoing DHCP (UDP port 67) Block outgoing NetBIOS (port 135, 137-9, 445)
    Allow broadcast/multicast (selected by default) Block incoming ping (ICMP Echo)
    Allow incoming ping (ICMP Echo) Block other incoming ICMP
    Allow other incoming ICMP Block outgoing ping (ICMP Echo)
    Allow outgoing ping (ICMP Echo) Block outgoing ICMP
    Allow other outgoing ICMP Block incoming IGMP
    Allow incoming IGMP Block outgoing IGMP
    Allow outgoing IGMP Block incoming UDP ports: (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific UDP ports, or UDP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Allow incoming UDP ports: (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific UDP ports, or UDP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Block outgoing UDP ports: (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific UDP ports, or UDP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Allow outgoing UDP port: (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific UDP ports, or UDP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Block incoming TCP ports (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific TCP ports, or TCP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Allow incoming TCP ports (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific TCP ports, or TCP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Block outgoing TCP ports (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific TCP ports, or TCP port ranges in the field below the table.
    Allow outgoing TCP ports (none)
    Note: Check this setting, then enter specific TCP ports, or TCP port ranges in the field below the table.
  6. Click OK.


    To reset all the settings to the default values, click Reset to default, then click OK.
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