Switching to Game Mode for Gaming


To optimize system performance for online gaming, ZoneAlarm gives the option to temporarily suspend security alerts, virus definition updates, and automatic scans.

Note -

Game Mode settings do not override Block or Allow settings in your Programs List. If you configured your ZoneAlarm software to always block a specific program, it continues to block that program even if you activate Game Mode with the Allow setting.

To turn on the Game Mode:

  1. Open the Game Mode dialog window in one of these ways:
    • From the Tools menu on the main menu toolbar, select Game Mode
    • In the system tray, right-click on the ZoneAlarm icon and select Game Mode
  2. Select one of these automatic responses to program alerts:
    • Automatic Deny - to automatically deny permissions to all programs that request them
    • Automatic Allow - to automatically grant permissions to all programs that request them
  3. Click Start Game Mode.

    Note -

    Keep the Game Mode window open. If you close the window, the Game Mode turns off.

To turn off the Game Mode:

In the Game Mode window, click Stop Game Mode.

Note -

The Game Mode also stops if ZoneAlarm is turned off or if the computer is shut down.
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