How to upgrade to the latest version of ZoneAlarm


First you will need to determine which ZoneAlarm product your running on your PC.

  1. Double click on the ZoneAlarm Security icon on your Windows desktop to open ZoneAlarm.
  2. Or Right click on the 'Z' icon in the lower right hand corner of your screen in the system tray and select 'About' from the menu.

Make note of the product name you have.

Next download the latest version of the product you have installed by clicking on one of the correct product name below. Remember where your browser has saved the installer file and return to this page to continue.

After you have downloaded the new installer, next you will need to run that installer.

Most browsers by default will save downloaded files to the Downloads folder on your PC.

Or you can run the installer from the browsers download section/window.

Important Note: When you run the new installer and your are prompted with a message that you must uninstall the previous version before installing the new version, then you will need to cancel the installer and Uninstall the ZoneAlarm product running on your PC first before continuing to upgrade.

During Installation please take all the default settings to insure ZoneAlarm will be optimized to run its best on your PC.

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