ZA Extreme Security Antivirus Update Stops at 80%

I am trying to use ZA Extreme Security on a Win10 box. After updating the PC to the latest version of Win10, the antivirus definitions update stops at 80% and will sit there overnight.

There's no problem with software updates, only the definitions.

I have downloaded and installed the latest version of ZA Extreme Security over the version on the PC but still have the same problem.

I selected the option to reset the antivirus and firewall settings, rebooted and tried to update the definitions but still have the same problem.

Any ideas?



  • Hello Frank,

    Probably the signature files in ZoneAlarm were corrupted for some reason. To remove it, we need to do a clean install of ZoneAlarm to remove the corrupt signature so we can let ZA download new signatures.

    To assist you further, please provide the following information.

    - Your current ZA version information on the affected machine. Follow the steps below.

    1. Open the ZA program by double clicking on the Z icon from your desktop.

    2. Click on HELP at the upper right corner and select ABOUT.

    3. When the About information box appears on your screen

    4. Click the Copy to Clipboard button at the bottom left of the box.

    5. Then Click the OK button.

    6. Return to this Email for your reply.

    7. Paste the copied information in the body of the replied email (CTRL+V paste)

    Looking forward from your reply.

    Best regards,

    Clint P.

    ZoneAlarm Support Representative

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  • I'm having the same problem. I followed the steps above and it solved the problem... for about a week. Then it happened again.

    It isn't practical to keep reinstalling ZA every time updates stop working. What is the root cause of this issue and how can we keep it from recurring?


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